Climate change poses one of the greatest threats to humanity’s cultural heritage. Archaeological sites, bearing witness to our history and development, are particularly vulnerable to the escalating effects of a changing climate. This article explores the multifaceted ways in which climate change impacts archaeological preservation, from thawing permafrost in the Arctic to rising sea levels…
Category: Famous Archaeological Digs
Classical archaeology is a field that studies the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. It is one of the oldest fields in history, but it’s still strong today. The goals of classical archaeology are to understand the ancient world, how it was created and evolved, and to study it to apply that knowledge to the…
Smoking is known worldwide as being a bad habit, one that is bad for our health and can lead to a whole host of illnesses and diseases. Quitting smoking isn’t easy, with the addiction to nicotine making it particularly difficult. It isn’t impossible however, and here are some of the benefits that quitting smoking can…
When undertaking an archaeological project the people involved will usually have to spend a lot of time within a historical site. It is their job to unearth important artefacts and biofacts. What Does The Job Entail? The first step is to survey the area. Doing so helps to determine whether a dig needs to take…
Most dig sites will have an area where archaeologists can prepare their food. This is very important as it will help them to refuel before and after a hard day of excavating. Due to limited space, they may also eat within the kitchen itself. Since plenty of time will be spent in this area, it…
When an archaeology team starts a new project, it is vital that they set up a headquarters. This base will tend to be close to the dig site so that any finds can be transported there with ease. The moods and overall productivity of the team members will be directly affected by how the interior…
Archaeology has helped humanity understand a lot about ancient civilisations, a foundation of what it means to be human. Although the recent pandemic (Covid- 19) delayed scheduled archaeological activities in2020 , there are still a few new findings that highlighted the beginning of a century. Amazon’s Ice-age Art Archaeologists discovered 12.9 kilometres (8 miles) long…
One of the wonderful aspects of home décor is that there are so many choices when it comes to themes and styles. There are also some great resources that can be used as inspiration for those who are decorating their home and looking for some great accessories to fit in with their themes. One of…
If I asked you to describe an archaeologist at an archaeological site, you would most likely imagine someone digging a site using spades and pickaxes. This image may have been entirely true some years back, but these days, you might find them with a drone. Here are the latest technologies helping archaeologists. Imaging technology Archaeologists…
The number of people who have osteoarthritis has been increasing globally over the years. This condition that affects joints can significantly reduce the quality of life of those affected. That is why researchers have been spending hours in laboratories and archaeological centres trying to find ways of demystifying the disease. Using archaeology which is the…