If I asked you to describe an archaeologist at an archaeological site, you would most likely imagine someone digging a site using spades and pickaxes. This image may have been entirely true some years back, but these days, you might find them with a drone. Here are the latest technologies helping archaeologists. Imaging technology Archaeologists…
The number of people who have osteoarthritis has been increasing globally over the years. This condition that affects joints can significantly reduce the quality of life of those affected. That is why researchers have been spending hours in laboratories and archaeological centres trying to find ways of demystifying the disease. Using archaeology which is the…
Albia, commonly referred to as Albia in the Decapolis, was part of the ten city district. Historically the city has also been known as Seleucia, as we
The ancient Mayan site of Chichen Itza was a large pre-Columbian city from the Terminal Classic period. The site is located in Mexico, in the Tinum Mu
The Ancient Greek city of Idalium was an ancient city in Cyprus, in modern Dali. The city was initially founded during the copper trade in the 3rd mil
The ancient Greek city of Antiochia ad Cragum, dates back to around 170 BC when it was founded by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. It is an old Hellenistic cit
A prehistoric monument situated in Wiltshire, England, Stonehenge consists of a ring of standing stones, each of which stands roughly 4 metres tall, 2
The ancient Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan is located in a sub-valley in the Valley of Mexico, located in the State of Mexico, and is situated 40 km
The science of archaeology involves all the struggles of researchers to understand what has happened in the past, how people used to live and under what conditions life was endured for different civilisations. Trying to find the correct excavation area, conducting contextual research and creating a meaningful stratigraphy are the main challenges which await for…
Perhaps one of the most recognisable remains of the Ancient Egyptian world, the Pyramids at Giza, are still one of the most impressive archaeological